
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Parisot Scandal Exposed-- Quatrochi's Expose of Byzantine Machinations, and Deceit

Modigliani's death mask, photographed in 1933 in
the atelier of Jacques Lipschitz

Christian Parisot, a self-appointed expert on the work of Modigliani, was also reported in London's FT of 11 Jan 2013, to have been under investigation for over 2 years by Italian authorities, was arrested, indicted and sentenced for artfraud-- and the investigative web has been extended to include some of Parisot's associates-- one of them the consignor of record of a Modigliani nude entitled Grand Nue Alongee or Reclining Nude of Celine (Coupet) Howard, discreetly referenced below in my CONSIGNMENT OF MODIGLIANI TO BONN EXHIBITION, posted in 2009 and deemed by Henrik Hanstein in the article to be "risky". The consignor of record was Joseph Guttmann of New York (working along with his cabal of associates-- his esteemed attorneys, Arnold Katzen, Christian Parisot, varied other attorneys all of whom may claim attorney-client privilege when queried by authorities, and others). What was never mentioned was that the painting had been the subject of a declaratory relief trial and a bank fraud investigation in the United States-- the painting remaining with unpaid bank liens and a dubious provenance to date. I do believe Mr Parisot's arrogance and the malfeasance of his associates have finally met with their comeuppance. I even pulled Parisot into a California courtroom from Paris and Italy (at great expense to his then handler Guttmann) to query him as to his authentication practices and fees to be paid for his favorable attribution. But Parisot and his cabal of cohorts proved difficult to impeach to a common jury of 12 working men and women. With Parisot as a paid gunslinger in your corner (a proverbial gun-for-hire), all concerned thought that a courtroom drama of "dueling experts" would result in a "wash", each cancelling one another out with a turgid, long-winded ennumeration of dubious credentials, educational pedigrees, along with a intimidatingly circumlocuitive ideolect crafted to short-circuit the presumedly low brain function of the common man and jury. Reasonable doubt, for sure! Preponderance of proof in evidence- don't worry about it! Too many unholy alliances and secrets all heavily nuanced with sotto voce, sous-table (wink-wink-nudge-nudge) whispers, baksheesh, and "incentives". Parisot's dubious droit morale, an alleged internship to Modigliani's impaired and dysfunctional daughter, and enough seals, and stamps to altogether befuddle even the most adroit civilian mind un-informed of the adroit brinksmanship at play.Guttmann's esteemed counsel even once told me in voir-dire in L.A. that he was seeking the "stupidest" jury pool he could find- and this was said afront  two witnesses. Hence I think both Guttmann, and Parisot et al all concluded that they might be "bulletproof" from civil judgments-- given the plaintiff costs of meeting one's burden of proof, the multiplicity of jurisdictions required for a successful prosecution of one's case, and the byzantine opacity and mind-numbing quagmires and metrics of an international painting transaction. We all concluded that the force and power of a criminal adjudication and prosecution would be required to excise this cancer upon the artworld- given infinite resources and subpoena power well beyond that of a civil dispute or litigation.

Seized from the Museo di Palestrina- by the Commandante della Sezione Antiquariato e Sezione Falsificazioni e Arte Contemporanea
Such practices employed by both Parisot and Guttmann have enjoyed a life of their own-- a longstanding complicity between Giacomo Canale, Parisot, Guttmann and Arnold Katzen specifically with collaborative support provided by Jean Kisling, Claude Mollard, Marie-Claire Mansecal, Masaaki Iseki and Andre Schoeller. Canale would publish this cabal's findings under the imprimateur of Canale Arte, affording their findings a level of institutional legitimacy claiming that the "Modigliani Committee"s scholarship was supported by the Archives L'Egales Amedeo Modigliani (certainly- which was entirely the product of Parisot employing the droit morale legimacy afforded to him by the primogenitor laws of France), the Ambrogio Ceroni Archives (co-opted by the wife that survived his death, Angela), the Arthur Pfannstiehl Archives [(vehemently denied by its sole authority, heir and archivist, Bernard Schuster). Arthur Pfannstiehl's son, Frederick-- an ex-masseur in Europe was bequeathed none of his father's extensive documentation dating from the 1920s. Arthur Pfannstiehl published his first concourse (what he called his Catalogue Presume) ante-dating all rival opinions and expertise by forty years when he published his excellent and reliable Catalogue Presume in 1929.(Ambrogio Ceroni's Edizione del Milione catalogue of 156 paintings was only published in 1958, followed by the 1965 and 1970 editions, the latter Rizzoli and Flammarion editions purporting to be catalogue raisonnes of 337 paintings/canvases) ], and the Lanthemann Archives (denied to me by his wife, but all the same lacking the required epistemic weight and the gravitas of a raisonne).
On 23 Jan . 2001, the "Modigliani Committee" was launched by Guttmann and Parisot using Katzens office to provide a legitimate sounding NYC 1100 Madison Avenue address, suite 6C-- however many documents posted to that address were returned to sender marked "Adressee Unknown", despite the shiny brass plaque emblazoned "Modigliani-Kisling Institute" that Katzen had plastered to the Madison Avenue facade of the building. Giacomo Canale had claimed to "underwrite the project" and was "committed to the publication of the forthcoming new Catalogue Raisonne to be produced by the Committee".This though was prior to Katzen and Shirley Sack's arrest in Boston for money-laudering in June of that same year, for trying to sell a fake Modigliani "Jeune Femme aux Yeux Bleus" (credentialed/expertised by Parisot) and a Degas (also seized by the US govt US Customs and sold at auction in NY) for $4.1M to an alleged Columbian drug lord wishing to launder "street money" with the acquisition -- however their "client" was a US Customs Treasury agent working with the FBI. The same 'Modigliani' cropped up when a NY re-insurer and risk adjuster (Maxson Young) enlisted these offices to foil a Guttmann claim for the 'loss' of the work shipped by international courier service and processed as an insured exposure seeking compensation  ( a claim for loss or theft) and a pay-out. This claim was foiled, the painting returned, and the claim dis-allowed.This incident diminished the prestige of the "Modigliani-Kisling Institute's" new Madison Avenue digs. And of course, the Archives L'Egales d'Amedeo Modigliani, has morphed into the Modigliani Committee, the Committe metamorphized into the Modigliani-Kisling Institute and ultimately the Modigliani Institute of Rome.
You see, Parisot has worked under the droit morale privilege of the French government and authorities for years since he succeeded to inveigle and cajole an impaired and impoverished Jeanne Modigliani (birth daughter to Amedeo Modigliani and Jeanne Hebuterne, orphaned by both parents in the course of one day in 1920) into assigning him her droit morale -- affording the surviving child of the artist the rights to opine on the authenticity of the artist's (in this case, her father's) legacy and work. Jeanne never had any archive or documentation of her father at any time, and certainly nothing at the time I met with her before her death.Yet this privilege is jurisdictionally limited- to that of the French courts , and this privilege will languish mercilessly when scrutinized under international law and expertise in a variety of legal jurisdictions. E-mail me for further discussion on this matter. Since Jeanne Modigliani's death in 1984 at age 66 in Paris, her daughter , Laure Nechtschein Modigliani (one of Jeanne's 2 daughters, born in 1951), had apparently honored Parisot's assignment of her mother's droit morale, with her support, and presumably to her profit and advantage. Since last year and to date, presumably in light of deteriorating relations between Modigliani's granddaughter Laure and Parisot, Laure Nechtschein Modigliani is reclaiming her droit morale, as one of the last remaining survivors in Modigliani's bloodline-- rights decided by way of birthright, of consanguinity, and not merit or credential. This matter only compounds Parisot's conviction and fines meted out by a Paris court in 2008 (sentenced to 24 mos./ part suspended) after an artfraud conviction for fogeries of Jeanne Hebuterne (Modigliani's common-law wife and fellow artist) brought forward by one of Laure Modigliani's cousins , Luc Prunet, Jeanne Hebuterne's great nephew. Perhaps Parisot's enterprising nature and shameless entrepreneurial zeal in the exploitation of Jeanne Modigliani's droit morale, have alienated Parisot's meal-ticket and undermined his authority and integrity-- unveiling the unholy covenant of sin lurking beneath such an incestuous relationship.

For your amusement, I just noticed that Parisot has actually found a Modigliani , sold by Bonhams in London, (not him) is a fake. SEE:

Paul Quatrochi
Tel: (212) 722-3700
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Paul D Quatrochi
Art Law Blog Author

Christian Gregori Parisot was recognised as an authority on the Italian figurative artist - until he was arrested for forging and fraudulently endorsing dozens of fakes